The following was sent on June 20, 2012 as a response to a homeowner’s inquiry.
You have asked for additional information regarding the breaker panel that serves your unit. The following is our opinion, based upon discussions with electricians and attendance at seminars for home inspectors where the subject has been discussed.
These panels pose a threat and could be a hazard. The circuit breakers may fail to trip in case of an overload or short-circuit, which could cause a fire or personal injury. The experience with these panels is that some double pole 220volt circuit breakers and some single pole 120volt circuit breakers may not trip when overloaded. A good breaker will trip, cutting power to the affected circuit, but Stab-Lok breakers appear not to trip reliably.
Published reports of tests indicate that under certain conditions one leg/pole may attempt to trip the breaker. The result is a circuit that stays live. When it is reset, it will not trip under excessive load. The Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) did conduct product testing of these FPE breakers and found that their failure rates were significant. We know of no way to reliably test these units to assure safety; in fact, testing may cause failure the next time they are overloaded, increasing the risk.
Federal Pacific is no longer in business, and other than in New Jersey, there appears to be no funding for replacement. Recently some companies have started making replacement breakers for FPE panels. In many cases these are manufactured with the same problematic design of the original, and there is no data that they are more reliable. The best solution is to replace the panel, which we strongly recommend.
There may be a significant liability issue for the association, as it apparently owns these breakers. The association may wish to discuss with its attorney and insurance carrier what its responsibilities are in regard to equipment that is considered defective and hazardous.
–John Freiburger